Category Archives: Short Fiction

Strangers in Time

He stood staring out into the gentle open waters, his hands pressed on the railings while his body leaned forward. The cool breeze blew into his face, tickling behind his ears like a playful lover. The soft lapping of the waters against the side of the reservoir was a calm rhythm that hypnotised him. It […]

A Little Boy’s Day Out

A little boy thought it was a good day to do some exploration, so he decided to take a trip to the city on his own for the first time. Taking his newly bought concession card that his mommy just got for him, the little boy embarked on what he hoped would be an adventure […]

A Story (with Chinese song lyrics)

She was listening to her favourite music CD when the phone rang. You’d think it went ‘Kring Kring’ or ‘Troot Troot’, but no, it went ‘只剩下钢琴陪我弹了一天’. So it was awhile before she realised it was her phone and not her player playing the song. Rushing out of her bedroom with player still in hand, she […]

Autumn Leaves

The leaves were a sea of red and gold interspersed with fading green, rustling gently in the wind as if passing whispers of some secret tale. The sight of tree after tree donning their final colours before death was strangely gratifying, and even eerily beautiful. “Pretty, isn’t it?” she murmured. He gave a start from […]